How to train your...Albion; Part 4.
Take him to a show and win a rosette!

How to train your...Albion; Part 3.
Give him a wash.

How to train your...Albion; Part 2.
Give him a little trim up and lead him about...

How to train your... Albion; Part 1.
First; catch your wild calf who has outwintered, roaming 30 acres...

More publicity for the Albions!
The Cheshire show have selected John Ball as their 'Meet the Farmer' in the commercial dairy and beef section. They hope people will read...

Blue Albions in the Bluebells!
Turn out at long last along with some sun-shine! They didn't discover the water trough on the first day.

Easter Episode!
Attention all Albion Afficionados! BBC Countryfile should be featuring the Albion cattle that Adam has recently purchased; to be...

Beast from the South East!
Born in the snow storm and hard freeze. This was the 5th bull calf from 4 calvings!

Spring is coming!
Come on weather- keep up! The cows think spring is here.