Albion Breed Standard
Standard, Colour & Type.
The general appearance of the bull should be masculine with active and stylish carriage
Fairly large, broad near the horns and tapered to the nose with good and prominent crest. The ears should be fairly large, thick, well set on and carried evenly. The muzzle should be blue or black and broad with prominent nostrils.
Large, bold and alert and set wide apart.
The horns should grow straight from the head, not too long and turn forward evenly. They should be thick and white at the base and gradually tapering and darkening to the point.
Moderately long, thick and deep, well let into the shoulders and extending downwards to a good brisket, which should be placed well down between the forelegs.
The shoulders should be strong, well placed, broad and forward at the points and gradually narrowing to the withers in an upward and backward direction.
Long and deep with well sprung ribs showing a good barrel with straight and even top and bottom outlines and with loose skin.
Long and straight on top, wide hips and pelvic bones with good deep thigh, fairly fleshed down to the hocks.
The tail should be set on level and in a line with the bac, it should be not too course and carried in a perpendicular line to appoint just behind and below the hocks
The legs should be strong, have nice but not too heavy bone with good joints and feet and should be placed well outside each corner of the body.
Scrotal Testicle Shape
The testicles should be symmetrical, nearly the same size and freely movable in the scrotum.
All animals must be Blue and White, Blue Roan, White, Black or Black and White (Black and White animals may have little white but majority of animal is Black) When blue roan in colour they tend to darken towards the head.
Old and New! They are still the same breed- just dehorned!
The general appearance of the cow should be wedge shaped with active and stylish carriage of a medium size. They were bred to be dual purpose cattle so they should appear well shaped and well fleshed but with dairy-like qualities. Albion cattle are medium sized, much smaller in stature than Holsteins but bigger than Jerseys.
Not too large, wide at the horn and tapered to the nose and lean, with thin ears, well set on and carried evenly. The muzzle and eye lids should have black pigmentation.
Set wide apart, with mild or gentle expression, denoting docility; often ‘lined’ with black on the blue or white cows.
The horns should grow straight out from the head, then turn evenly forward, outward and slightly upward. They should be white at the base, not too thick or course and should taper and gradually darken to the point.
Long, lean and thin and deep, well let into the shoulders and extending downwards to a good brisket.
The shoulders should be fairly strong, rather lean and well placed, broad at the points and tapering to the withers in an upward and backward direction.
Long and deep with well sprung ribs showing a good barrel with straight and even top and bottom outlines and with loose skin.
Long and straight on top, wide hips and pelvic bones with good deep thigh, not too heavily fleshed when in milk.
The udder should be capacious, thin and soft to the touch, showing prominently the milk veins. It should be well let down and carried evenly and perpendicular below the body, extending well forward in front and high up behind with wide escutcheon. The teats should be of medium size well and evenly placed underneath each corner of the udder
The tail should be set on level and in a line with the back, it should be rather fine and carried in a perpendicular line to appoint just behind and below the hocks
The legs should be fairly strong, having good but fine bone with good joints and feet and should be placed well outside each corner of the body.
All animals must be Blue and White, Blue Roan, White, Black or Black and White (Black and White animals may have little white but majority of animal is Black) When blue roan in colour they tend to darken towards the head.
Old and New! They are still the same breed- just dehorned!

Black, minimal white Blue roan
White Blue & White

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Albions In The News
Blue Albion Cattle; The History (With kind permission of Mr A. Cheese.)