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Albion Cattle Society Rules

Aims & Objectives

The name of the Society is “The Albion Cattle Society.”

The object for which the Society is established are –

  1. The encouragement of the breeding and improvement of Albion Cattle for general utility purposes and the maintenance of their purity

  2. The maintenance and publication of The Albion Cattle Herd Book

  3. The promotion of the importance of preserving the living gene bank of Albion Cattle for present and future generations to come.

  4. The investigation of cases of doubtful pedigree and suspected fraudulent practices.

  5. Doing of all such other lawful things as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them.                                                      




  1. Applications should be made on the specific Membership Application Form and sent to the Treasurer or Secretary of the Society.

  2. A company or partnership may be registered as a member under its registered name and address. It may be represented at any meeting of the society by one person nominated by such body who shall, on behalf of the company have one vote.

  3. A member will pay an annual subscription at time of application for the financial year of their application and on 1st November in every subsequent year.

  4. Standing Order forms can be obtained from the Secretary.

  5. Members whose subscriptions are in arrears for three months following the due date shall have their names removed from membership and shall only be re-admitted upon payment of subscription arrears.

  6. Memberships are non-refundable.


Life Membership (breeders and non-breeders)

A single payment of £450 entitling the member to register a prefix, cast one vote and receive one copy of the Herd Book when produced.

Full Membership (breeders and non-breeders)

An annual payment of £20 entitling the member to register a prefix, cast one vote and receive one copy of the Herd Book when produced.

Associate Membership (non-breeders)

An annual payment of £15 entitling the member to cast one vote and receive one copy of the Herd Book when produced.

Junior Membership (under 18 years)

Free of Charge entitling the member to receive one copy of a Newsletter when produced.


Each registered herd will be allocated a prefix which must be one word with a maximum of 12 characters.

The prefix allocated to each animal shall be that of the herd to which it belongs at the time of birth.


Registrations / Conditions of Entry for the Herd Book


To be eligible for registration:

7. No person who is not a member of The Society will be allowed to register cattle in the Society’s Herd Book.  The Herd Book shall contain particulars of Albion Cattle eligible for entry therein, and such further information as the Council may from time to time decide. 


8. All calves must be Birth Notified to the Registrations Secretary by 60 days of age and should include the following information.

  a) Date of Birth

  b) Sire Tag number

  c) Dam tag number

  d) Conception Type (NS/AI/ET)

  e) Gender

  f) Individual Ear number

  g) Individual Name

  h) Twin – Yes/No

  i) Colour: Blue and White, Blue Roan, White, Black, Black and White


9. The animal’s certificate will include the letter P if naturally polled, AI if sired by AI service and/or ET if conceived by embryo transplant.

10. Animals must be born in the British Isles, and which are the progeny of both registered Sire and registered Dam, may be entered providing they comply with the Society’s conditions respecting Breed Standard, Colour & Type.

Supplementary Register

  11. Male animals will not be accepted for registration from Foundation or Grade cows.

  12. No Grade A animals will be accepted for registration.

  13. Female progeny from a Grade A cow and sired by a registered Albion bull can be registered as a Grade B cow. She must conform to the Albion Breed Standard. Four photos of the animal, one from each side, should accompany the registration application. An inspection by a Council member may follow to ensure Breed Standards are met.

  14. Female progeny from a Grade B cow and sired by a registered Albion bull can be registered as a  Grade C cow. She must conform to the Albion Breed Standard. Four photos of the animal, one from each side, should accompany the registration application. An inspection by a Council member may follow to ensure Breed Standards are met.


  15. Female progeny from a Grade C cow and sired by a registered Albion bull can be registered as a Full Albion. She must conform to the Albion Breed Standard. Four photos of the animal, one form each side, should accompany the registration application. An inspection by a Council member may follow to ensure Breed Standards are met.

  16. The certificate will have Grade status printed on it.



The fees for registering animals to be paid at the time of application are as follows.

Female Registration

Birth – 12 months            £20

Over 12 months                £40


  17. A female born as a twin to a bull must be birth notified but cannot be Pedigree registered unless she breeds a live calf within the first three years of her life. She can then be registered at the original fee of £20.


Bull Registration 

Birth – 12 months            £20 

Over 12 months                £40


Beef Certificate £5

A Beef Certificate can be produced by the Registration Secretary for any Birth Notified or Registered Albion.


Registrations will be processed by the Registrations Secretary as they are submitted but the animal will be categorised as ‘pending’ and certificates will not be sent out until payment is received.  In the ‘pending’ category animals do not appear in the Herd book.

Please can payment of registration fees be made in a timely fashion before the animal reaches the next age bracket (e.g. 0-12 months and 12 months plus) otherwise the higher fee will be applied.

Refunds will not be made in the event of a registration being cancelled.


Transfer of ownership

  18. Completion of the transfer of ownership is the responsibility of the Vendor and should be sent to the Registration officer. Transfers are Free of charge.


Annual Herd Return

  19. An annual return must be made for each herd on the prescribed form.


  20. If the annual return is not submitted to the Society by the required date no further registrations will be processed until the return is received, which could incur late registration fees. 

  21. The committee will review Society Fees during a committee meeting in the final quarter of each year, which will be used in the following year. The Fees will appear in the Year Book following this review.


  22. The Official Logo of The Albion Cattle Society will be use on all official correspondence.








Society funded AI collection

  23. Any bull that is put forward for semen collection, which is funded by the Society or the RBST on behalf of the Society, will be inspected by at least 2 Committee members who are not the Owner or Breeder of the animal. The dam should also be seen where possible. The inspection is for adherence to Breed Standard, Colour & Type and also freedom of genetic defects.




  24. The affairs of the Society shall be managed by a Council consisting of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, the Secretary and Treasurer and Six Elective members.

  25. At the Annual General Meeting the members shall elect a chairman and vice-chairman who shall hold office from the conclusion of the meeting. 

  26. One third of Council members shall retire annually, but they may be re-elected

  27. The names of candidates for election shall be received by the Secretary one month before the Annual General meeting. Candidates must be members of the Society and must be proposed by one member of the Society and seconded by another member of the Society, in writing. Should more candidates be nominated than vacancies occur a vote will take place. Should the number of candidates be equal the number of vacancies, such candidates shall be considered elected without a vote. But in the case the number of candidates nominated be fewer than the number of vacancies, those candidates who have been nominated shall be elected, and any vacancy or vacancies occurring may be filled up by the Council.

  28. Council meetings shall, as far as possible, be held at least four times a year.

  29. The Council may create committees for specific subjects provided no committee formed consists of less than three members of Council.

  30. The Council may appoint up to two co-opted members

  31. There shall be a quorum when at least one third of the number of members of the Council for the time being or five members of the Council, whichever is greater, are present at a meeting.

  32. Minutes of meetings to be written up by the Secretary and distributed to Council within fourteen days of meeting date.

  33. At least one months’ notice shall be given to members of the Annual General Meeting of the Society.

  34. The Quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be fifteen members.


Entitlement to Membership

  35. Any Member who fails to comply with the Rules of the Society or, in the opinion of Council, acts in a manner that is detrimental to the standing of the Society shall at the discretion of Council be barred from Membership of the Society


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Albion Breed Standard

 Standard, Colour & Type.


The general appearance of the bull should be masculine with active and stylish carriage



Fairly large, broad near the horns and tapered to the nose with good and prominent crest. The ears should be fairly large, thick, well set on and carried evenly. The muzzle should be blue or black and broad with prominent nostrils.



Large, bold and alert and set wide apart.



The horns should grow straight from the head, not too long and turn forward evenly. They should be thick and white at the base and gradually tapering and darkening to the point.



Moderately long, thick and deep, well let into the shoulders and extending downwards to a good brisket, which should be placed well down between the forelegs.



The shoulders should be strong, well placed, broad and forward at the points and gradually narrowing to the withers in an upward and backward direction.



Long and deep with well sprung ribs showing a good barrel with straight and even top and bottom outlines and with loose skin.



Long and straight on top, wide hips and pelvic bones with good deep thigh, fairly fleshed down to the hocks.



The tail should be set on level and in a line with the bac, it should be not too course and carried in a perpendicular line to appoint just behind and below the hocks



The legs should be strong, have nice but not too heavy bone with good joints and feet and should be placed well outside each corner of the body.


Scrotal Testicle Shape

The testicles should be symmetrical, nearly the same size and freely movable in the scrotum.



All animals must be Blue and White, Blue Roan, White, Black or Black and White (Black and White animals may have little white but majority of animal is Black)




The general appearance of the cow should be wedge shaped with active and stylish carriage of a medium size.  They were bred to be dual purpose cattle so they should appear well shaped and well fleshed but with dairy-like qualities.



Not too Large, wide at the horn and tapered to the nose and lean, with thin ears, well set on and carried evenly. The muzzle and eye lids should have black pigmentation.



Set wide apart, with mild or gentle expression, denoting docility.



The horns should grow straight out from the head, then turn evenly forward, outward and slightly upward. They should be white at the base, not too thick or course and should taper and gradually darken to the point.



Long, lean and thin and deep, well let into the shoulders and extending downwards to a good brisket.



The shoulders should be fairly strong, rather lean and well placed, broad at the points and tapering to the withers in an upward and backward direction.



Long and deep with well sprung ribs showing a good barrel with straight and even top and bottom outlines and with loose skin.  



Long and straight on top, wide hips and pelvic bones with good deep thigh, not too heavily fleshed when in milk.



The udder should be capacious, this and soft to the touch, showing prominently the milk veins. It should be well let down and carried evenly and perpendicular below the body, extending well forward in front and high up behind with wide escutcheon. The teats should be of medium size well and evenly placed underneath each corner of the udder



The tail should be set on level and in a line with the back, it should be rather fine and carried in a perpendicular line to appoint just behind and below the hocks



The legs should be fairly strong, having good but fine bone with good joints and feet and should be placed well outside each corner of the body.



All animals must be Blue and White, Blue Roan, White, Black or Black and White (Black and White animals may have little white but majority of animal is Black)

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